Maui surf instructor - Kody Kerbox


My Name is Kody Kerbox. I was born and raised in Haiku, Maui.

I grew up around my Dad’s surf school and had the benefit of learning how to ride waves from a young age. I always had a passion for sports and spent most my childhood days trying them all, but always came back to surfing and being in the ocean.

After high school I had the opportunity to compete in the emerging sport of stand up paddling and competed professionally for five years while traveling the world.

Through my travels I learned that Maui is my favorite place in the world and where I want to spend my time.

I am currently a certified personal trainer and am working my way through a bachelors degree in Business.

Riding waves is is my ultimate passion and I love sharing it with others.

Surf Instructor Kody
Kody surfing the Maui waves
Kody surfing